Christmas Visiting

On Christmas day, we spent our afternoon visiting older widows. Every one of them was incredibly happy to have visitors and to spend some time visiting, singing, and eating. Some made us eat tasty desserts until we could not fit anything in our bellies, and some insisted we drank homemade wine with them. Some were … Continue reading Christmas Visiting


So, for those of you who don’t know, we have been paying our neighbors to use their (hundred year old house’s) electricity via a daisy-chained extension chords. We have lived in Romania almost one year, and we just received ‘real’ electricity! That means we can use our cook-top, oven and dryer. And bonus: Richard made … Continue reading Electricity

English Class

We have had a great opportunity to teach and work with 20+ little ones in the Manna after-0school program. Today we were learning english, but Richard and Ben also teach computers and we have a Small english Chorus as well. During this program, they have many other teachers who love on them, feed them, and … Continue reading English Class